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Everything You Need to Know about Embryo Freezing and Its Benefits

Jun 21, 2023

Egg Freezing

Everything You Need to Know about Embryo Freezing and Its Benefits Everything You Need to Know about Embryo Freezing and Its Benefits

What is Embryo Freezing?

Embryo Freezing is a procedure that allows people to store embryos for later use. A Person can also freeze eggs, which are not fertilised. An embryo forms after fertilisation and after the cells start to divide. The first successful pregnancy resulting from freezing a healthy embryo took place in 1980; since then, most couples facing complications in pregnancy prefer embryo freezing in India. Many people have frozen embryos to use them later as they want to wait for the best time to start a family.  A couple may decide to store an embryo if they hope to become pregnant in the future, donate it to others, for medical research, or for training purposes.

Why is Embryo Freezing Done?

There can be many reasons why a couple would choose to freeze and store their embryos. Anyone who is more inclined towards a professional career or wants to wait for a family or is facing medical issues can go the embryo freezing.  Embryo freezing often occurs when any of these conditions happen with the couple. Some couples also go for it after having complexities in pregnancy and during ART treatment. For example- In vitro fertilisation (IVF) and IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) It can be a backup option if the IVF process doesn’t work for the first time. Frozen embryos can be used later to have another child if the man and woman have a baby. If the woman has cancer or any disorder for which she might begin treatments that might reduce her chances of getting pregnant, she can save the embryos for later. It might seem like a better option than the extra embryos getting destroyed. The embryos could be saved and given to someone else in a donor program or donated for research.

How is Embryo Freezing Done?

Since embryos are perfect for later use, it is important to prevent cells from bursting due to the water within the cells freezing and forming crystals. Cryopreservation involves replacing the water inside the cells from bursting. Once the cryoprotectant is inserted, the fertility specialist leaves the embryos to incubate in increasing levels of cryoprotectant before they are frozen.  After most of the water is removed, the embryos are cooled to their preservation state. Doctors use embryo freezing in Mumbai by implementing two methods. 

Slow embryo freezing method: 

The traditional method of freezing embryos is the slow freeze method. These techniques lower the temperature of the embryos gradually. One of the dangers of embryo freezing is that ice crystals are present when thawing the embryos. They can lead to damage of the embryo and the embryo may not survive the thawing process. In order to reduce the chance for ice crystals to form, before the embryo is frozen, it is soaked in a solution known as “Cryoprotectant”. Cryoprotectant is a solution used to protect biological tissues from freezing damage. The slow freeze method of freezing embryos relies on low initial concentrations of cryoprotectant. This low concentration of cryoprotectant is introduced when the embryo is still at a relatively warm temperature and is still experiencing the normal functions of living cells. The cryoprotectant will permeate and fill the embryo, replacing most of the water in the embryo. The embryo is then inserted into a small plastic container and placed into a cooling chamber. By injecting tiny amounts of liquid nitrogen into the cooling chamber, the temperature is then lowered slowly to around 6 degrees Celsius. A Computer controls the cooling process. The temperature is further lowered to around -32 degree Celsius. By now, the metabolic rate of the embryo is quite slow. The embryo container is then plunged into liquid nitrogen, causing the temperature to drop even further which completes the freezing of the embryo. Thawing these embryos requires a fast approach. The embryos are rapidly warmed to room temperature to prevent ice crystal damage.

Rapid embryo freezing method: 

A newer method of freezing embryos is the rapid freeze method. The technical term is Vitrification. To prepare an embryo for rapid freezing, rapid freezing, the concentration of the cryoprotectant is much higher than that used for slow freezing. Again this is accomplished while the cells of the embryo are at room temperature. The embryo cannot stay at this temperature for a long time and is immediately plunged directly into the liquid nitrogen which will immediately drop the temperature by a large amount. An extremely rapid rate of thawing is used once again to prevent ice-crystal damage. Vitrification is a newer method for freezing embryos. The possible advantages of vitrification are a lower chance for ice crystal formation and therefore a higher chance for survival of the embryo when it is thawed. Some studies have suggested the possibility that embryos could be frozen and thawed repeatedly without being damaged. 

Is embryo freezing worth it?

The decision to freeze embryos is personal. Costs vary widely, and medical insurance may not cover fertility treatments. You’ll have to consider your goals, the costs, ethical issues, your partner’s preferences, and other considerations.

Advantages of Embryo Freezing

Embryo freezing can help people get pregnant later in life if they are facing current barriers, such as:
  • Advancing age.
  • Gender transition.
  • Infertility issues.
  • Social/personal reasons like if you are pursuing higher level education or have professional demands and plan to delay pregnancy for several years.
  • Treatment that may damage fertility ( for example, chemotherapy or pelvic radiation therapy for cancer)
  • Upcoming military deployment.
  • Women without a partner may be concerned about advancing age and choose to either freeze eggs or embryos that they create with donor sperm.
  1. Does freezing damage embryos?
Freezing can damage embryos. Thawing them later can also damage them. If multiple embryos are frozen, some or all may not survive the process. Your healthcare provider will talk to you about whether your embryos are suitable for freezing, thawing, and implantation.
  1.     Is IVF more successful with frozen embryos?
Scientists don’t yet agree on whether pregnancy has a better chance with a fresh or frozen embryo. Researchers continue to study the issue. For a more detailed study of its effects, you can also contact embryo freezing in Mumbai experts. Conclusion: Embryo freezing is one of the best and safest options that often lead to successful pregnancy and delivery. There is some possible risk which includes chances of genetic abnormalities in the child, or women who become pregnant at a later age may have the chances of some complications. Embryo freezing services in Mumbai can help you with all your pregnancy complications under the guidance of the best doctors at hand. 
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